Ferry from ITALY to Durres

Here is all the information you need about the ferry route from ITALY to Durres. On this page you can find details about the various ports and destinations, the ferry companies offering trips, as well as ferry ticket prices and travel times.

DRZ_destination It is located approximately 310.49 miles away from ITALY

How to get from ITALY to Durres by ferry?

On Ferryscanner.com you can book your ferry tickets online from the port of ITALY to Durres easily at any time of the year.

How far is ITALY from Durres?

The port of ITALY is located 499.69 kilometers (310.49 miles) away from Durres.

How long is the ferry from ITALY to Durres?

The ferry time from ITALY to Durres is between 9hours_short - 9hours_short 45minutes_short depending on the ferry company and the type of vessel you travel with. When booking with Ferryscanner.com we always let you know which route is the fastest.

How much does the ferry cost from ITALY to Durres?

Ferry ticket prices ranges between 20.00 - 92.72 euros, depending on the ferry you choose to travel with. Infants and children up to four years old can usually travel for free.

What is the ferry schedule from ITALY to Durres?

It’s possible to find a ferry from ITALY to Durres all year round. From June to September there are usually more than 2 companies departing from the port of ITALY.However, during the winter months there may be less. Using Ferryscanner.com you can check all the specific departure times and prices and select the itinerary that works best for you.

Fergerederier fra ITALY til Durres

Gjennomsnittlig pris
Ventouris Ferries
7 ukentlig
9hours_short 23minutes_short
61,00 USD
Grandi Navi Veloci
7 ukentlig
9hours_short 36minutes_short
63,90 USD

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